If you’re looking to boost your (or your client’s) SEO, Press Ranger is an essential tool. As we’ve seen in our guide to the different types of media, earned media mentions are some of the most valuable assets you can have in an SEO strategy. A link on a Tier 1 publisher like Business Insider, Forbes, etc. often sell for more than $1000 (if not even higher). This is the playbook we’ve used to grow our and our client’s brands using Press Ranger.

Many people have concerns about getting press for “boring” or traditional brands. How do plumbers, carpet cleaners, and SMBs compete with Space X for brand PR? Good news, they don’t!

Digital PR to the rescue

The key to securing quality, earned media placements is moving beyond the traditional brand PR's playbook. While brand PR involves sending out press releases and hoping for a story directly featuring your business, Digital PR aims to secure high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites by sharing high-quality articles about any topic and then having it mention your site. Here’s how you can use Press Ranger to achieve this.

Why Digital PR?

Digital PR is about getting your business mentioned in articles on high-authority sites, even if those articles aren’t directly about your brand. These mentions usually come as call-outs to you or your website as an expert in your field. This strategy not only helps in getting backlinks but also positions you as a thought leader.

Examples of Successful Placements:

The Pattern: Journalists need to produce viral content under tight deadlines, and their inboxes are cluttered with generic press releases. By pitching them with ready-made, shareable content, you’re essentially doing their job for them, making it easier for them to feature you.

The Playbook for Digital PR

Step 1: Generate Viral Content Ideas

Come up with ideas for content that have the potential to go viral within your niche. This could be: