PR has changed immensely over the past 5-10 years. Traditional brand PR methods can often feel outdated and less effective. At Press Ranger, we believe in a fresh approach to brand PR that leverages the power of unique insights and engaging storytelling. In this article, we'll explore the distinction between brand PR and digital PR and outline our modern playbook for achieving PR success.

Understanding Brand PR vs. Digital PR

Brand PR traditionally involves creating and distributing press releases to journalists in the hope of securing media coverage. It's often focused on maintaining a brand's image and reputation through consistent messaging and strategic communication. You can do this via Press Ranger by using our Wholesale press release distribution service or by sending out press releases using Press Ranger’s media database.

Digital PR, on the other hand, is more about leveraging online platforms and digital content to boost a brand's online presence. This includes creating shareable content, engaging with influencers, and utilizing SEO strategies to improve search engine rankings. Digital PR is inherently more flexible and responsive to current trends and audience behaviors.

The Press Ranger Playbook for Brand PR

At Press Ranger, we advocate for a blend of both traditional and digital PR strategies, with a strong emphasis on creating unique and shareable content.

The key thing to understand about reaching out to journalists effectively is to not send them an email that looks like everything else they’ve seen. Their inboxes are full of this template:

“Hi {name}, Please find the latest press release below for {company}. {templated info that is not tailored to the specific journalist}.”

To get away from this, you can use our playbook for brand PR:

  1. Embrace the Teaser Article

    Press releases are best shared over newswires and to publishers directly via our Wholesale press release distribution service. You can share them with journalists, too, but it’s critical to help them understand the story behind the press release. Distill something unique and important that you've learned from your vantage point and write a "teaser" article about it. This article should be:

  2. Craft Compelling Headlines You can use these proven templates to get started.

  3. Leverage Your Unique Insights

    Use your unique position and experiences to offer valuable insights that others can’t. This could be industry trends, innovative practices, or lessons learned from your own successes and failures. Your perspective is what sets you apart and makes your content valuable to others.

  4. Engage with Journalists and Influencers

    Building relationships with journalists and influencers in your industry can significantly boost your PR efforts. Share your teaser articles with them, and don’t be afraid to engage directly on social media or through email. Press Ranger is built to make this easy.

  5. Optimize for SEO

    Ensure your articles are optimized for search engines. Use relevant keywords, include internal and external links, and make sure your content is mobile-friendly. Good SEO practices will help your content reach a wider audience.

By following this playbook, you can transform your brand PR efforts, making them more dynamic, engaging, and effective. Our approach at Press Ranger emphasizes the creation of unique, shareable content that resonates with your audience and builds your brand's authority and expertise in your space.